Saturday, September 8, 2007


While nearly everywhere you hear how Apple have revolutionised how music is listened to and collected. And yes this is true I'm going to make a presumption here that most people who are reading this have an i-pod/mp3 player (Including phones).

iTunes provides most of the music anyone could ever want and on the US version you are even able to buy tv shows for as little as $2. It truly has revolutionised the consumer side of the music industry, has it depreciated the actual music?

If you listen to the previous generation listening to music was a big thing. Putting on a record when the house was quiet. Just listening to the album. When was the last time anyone from the ipod generation just sat and listened to what was on his/her ipod without doing anything else. Probably never. I'm as guilty of this as anybody else, whether its at the gym, walking, car trips or just reading. The music seems to have slowly being degraded to nothing more than background noise.

The Ipod is not totally to blame, most people will say that they don't have time to listen to music there lives are too busy. With work, socialising going to the gym etc. but those aren't real reasons, just excuses to cover up the fact that music doesn't have the same effect it used to.

Sadly Eminem was the last person to have any sort of impact with his music. Among the homosexual communtities of the US. But was it really? If you look back at rock stars, like Jimmy Page and the Sex Pistols their lives were controversy not just their two songs on one album and there were no attempts to apologise with public displays to try and quiet the masses. It was simply this is me.....accept it or F*&k off.

To a large degree thats what all artists should be like. Music isn't a 9 to 5 job with stock options and a good basic salary. Its a life style, all the people who are in the music buisness are there because they love it.

To quote James Hetfield of Metallica at Download in Dublin in 2006
"This next song goes out to every band who had played here, because they bring a smile to you and make our hearts sing with music, which is why I'm here"

It seems a common miss perception that the music industry is a way to get rich quick. Theres a reason that its called the hardest industry in the world. Because there are no guarantees, if you are a quailified doctor you can pretty much be guarateed a job.

But for the music industry, you need to have talent, the look and an audience willing to pay to hear you. Even if you have all those there is no guaratees that you'll even get to cut a record let alone have a house on cribs.

But is it worth it?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zeal is fit for wise men but is mostly found in fools.