Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Your results:
You are Green Lantern
Green Lantern
The Flash
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
Hot-headed. You have strong
will power and a good imagination.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

Saturday, April 5, 2008

What's wrong with Ireland

Despite the new laws that were brought in to try and reduce road deaths and increase the standard of license holders in Ireland. There is a problem with the Gardai. They only seem to be interested in prosecuting Boy Racer types. The new law is that no one can drive unaccompanied unless they hold a full license...which is only logical, why should you be able to drive alone if you have not yet shown that you meet the accepted standard for competency on the roads. 
Despite the new laws the older driver that are on provisional license are screwing the system. They have taken down their L plates and even when they are stopped at checkpoints. They merely say they have lost their licenses and none of the usual checks are followed up on because they are assumed to have passed their tests. 
If they were in England they would be screwed, because over there the police actually enforce the laws. They also have the ability to check whether someone has passed their tests through the wonders of modern technology. Why can't a similar system be implemented here, so for once drivers young and  old are treated the same? Instead of young drivers being constantly discriminated against just because they're young.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The above Vid is from the demonstration outside the Dail by WIT students on the 2 April 2008, For pics see here

Friday, March 14, 2008

So.....an Update

I started a proper job that involves writing :D. So the world should be like a pair of rose coloured glasses. BUT. yes i know the but may seem strange, but theres a reason for it. When I was previously writing it was informal about what I wanted (Mainly Led Zeppelin and music) and the quality and length were irrelevant.

However now that it is......formalised, it just doesn't seem as fun.....

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Songs and Mysticisim

The title is misleading I do not mean to discuss the links between songwriting and mysticism or mythology. This is more about songs that take on a mystic property. This thought came while watching a clip of "Stairway To Heaven" from Led Zeppelin's recent concert in the O2 arena in London. While the gig received great reviews ninety nine percent of the critics agreed that they made a mess of Stairway. As much as it pains me to admit it they were right, stairway was definitely sub standard for the biggest selling band of all time.

This let loose a train of thought, this is the third time that Led Zep have played Stairway live since John Bonham's death, and all three times it wasn't right. At Live Aid Page's guitar was out of tune, at the Atlantic Records anniversary concert there performance up till they attempted Stairway was great. And recently at the O2 gig it just didn't sound right, I'm not musically talented enough to say that Page was hitting flat notes or Plant's pitch was too high. But it sounded angrier, rougher not Stairway like. The original and the live versions that are available all sound so relaxed and calm. But at the O2 it was like they were just playing it to get it out of the way. Thats what I think anyway.

The song itself seems to have taken on this mystic property though. Ask any Led Zep nut and you'll hear that there is just something to the song, it seems to have a property or effect that goes beyond mere music. It has the greatest guitar solo ever, written by arguably two of the greatest song writers ever and on one of the biggest selling albums of all time. This song seems to have taken on its own identity independent of the minds that created it.

The band once considered dropping the song from the album, until they played it live at a show in Belfast. The crowd reaction let them know that the song was something special. It was, it has become one of the most famous and loved songs of all time. It seems to resist attempts to be played live without John Bonham. It gives the song that something extra that puts it beyond being a classic.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Thinking of going to the Ring

So given that a two week sun holiday is not happening for various reasons. I went looking for other means of a break during the summer. Since you're reading this you probably know me, and the first thing that popped into my head was MUSIC AND FESTIVALS. I looked to Ireland and England and the festivals are expensive with shite line ups. Then while watching MTV2 I saw it the heavy metals fan utopia....salvation from the moaning snow patrol and hyped up boy bands.


3 days, 3 Stages and HEAVY METAL HEAVEN.

With bands like Metallica, Rage against the Machine and Motorhead. It should be epic if it happens. But if I miss the Ring, then theres Pink Pop in the Netherlands and the Wachen Full Force Festival.....Mainland Europe seems to know How to rock....I'll let ye know in August.

For now though let me know if ye want to go

"I wake up in the morning and I raise my weary head, I don't know where going I only know where I've been"

Thursday, January 10, 2008


A quick post for anyone that bothers reading this thing. To check out musicovery.com if you are in anyway interested in music. It lest you select the genres you like then the mood of the music. It then makes a playlist from the genres and displays in a pretty sweet "musical tree". You can even have it set to make playlists according to how much and fast people should try to dance at a party you're having...a pretty kick ass site really.

There should be some actual posts up in the next ten days.....hopefully